Saturday, March 15, 2008

Friday Night Gaming: Call of Duty 4 West Coast edition

Last night I caught up with Alpha Cog and few other adventurous folks like Killerstew, Civilizator, and RGG. Played through a number of Hardcore Team Deathmatch rounds where we totally got our butts handed to us. Giftwrapped. Basically in the 10 or so matches I played in, we won 1. Hmmmmm, is this really the true skill algorithm at work. I don't know about anyone else, but losing that many times is not fun. Or maybe we suck so bad we fell off the algorithm?

That said, we gained a few ranks but for the most part suffered some fairly decisive defeats. But I brought with me a new xbox liver ktismael whom went to college with me. Just starting off and just getting his game collection going, it is always good to add another to mix.

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